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Natalia Ćwik

My name is Natalia Ćwik, I am CEO of Wikimedia Polska. I have more that 17 years of professional experience as a manager with NGOs, business and public administration. I love gathering and sharing knowledge.


4:15 م
40 دقيقة
Reviving the community spirit - Guinness World Record edit-a-thon as a uniting experience - a case study.
Natalia Ćwik, Tomasz Wszeborowski, Marek Lewandowski

Sustaining community spirit requires constant effort. What events and meetings to organize to fuel it? Hear about an extraordinary event that WMPL managed to organize, our experiences and lessons learned, as well as practical advice.


Contributor/Community Engagement
Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
1:30 م
85 دقيقة
Frontlines of Truth: Strategies and Tools for Combating Disinformation
Natalia Ćwik

In an era where disinformation can spread faster than ever before, equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to discern truth from falsehood is critical. "Frontlines of Truth: Strategies and Tools for Combating Disinformation" is a timely session designed to address this challenge head-on. This lecture offers a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of disinformation, alongside practical strategies for defense, including an exploration of the most effective fact-checking tools available.

Legal & Advocacy
Istanbul (10)
10:30 ص
25 دقيقة
Hearing the Unheard: Bridging the Multimedia Gap with Audio on Wikipedia
Natalia Ćwik

Despite Wikipedia's vast repository of knowledge, a significant multimedia gap persists, notably in the realm of audio content. "Hearing the Unheard: Bridging the Multimedia Gap with Audio on Wikipedia" is a session dedicated to addressing this oversight and exploring the potential of audio to enrich the encyclopedia's multisensory learning experience. This presentation delves into the current state of audio on Wikipedia, the challenges of incorporating sound into a predominantly text-based platform, and the opportunities that audio presents for making knowledge more accessible and engaging.

Ohrid (9)(interpretation)
4:15 م
40 دقيقة
Leveling Up Wikipedia: A Gamification Approach for Newcomers by Wikimedia Polska and Grow Uperion
Natalia Ćwik, Ada Jakubowska, Mateusz Fligier

Entering the vast ecosystem of Wikipedia can be daunting for newcomers. Recognizing this, Wikimedia Polska and Grow Uperion have embarked on an innovative collaboration to make Wikipedia more accessible and engaging for beginners. "Leveling Up Wikipedia: A Gamification Approach for Newcomers" is a session that explores this unique partnership between a seasoned non-governmental organization and a dynamic startup. Together, they have developed a gamification platform designed to ease the learning curve for new Wikipedia contributors, making the process of contributing to the encyclopedia more intuitive and rewarding.

Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
3:30 م
85 دقيقة
Optimizing Skill-Sharing in the Wikimedia Movement: Strategies for Affiliates
Natalia Ćwik

In the dynamic environment of the Wikimedia Movement, skill-sharing represents a cornerstone for growth and innovation. Yet, as we expand our horizons, a crucial question arises: Should our focus lie on increasing the quantity of skill-sharing activities, or enhancing their quality? This session aims to dissect the current landscape of skill-sharing within the Wikimedia Movement, evaluating the effectiveness of various initiatives and exploring who has access to these valuable resources.

Wild Ideas
Istanbul (10)