تم حفظ تفضيلاتك المحلية. نود أن نعتقد أن لدينا دعمًا ممتازًا للغة العربية ضمن منصة pretalx ، ولكن إذا واجهتك مشكلات أو أخطاء ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا!

Tips & Tricks for Programs & Events Dashboard
09‏/08‏, 11:15 ص–11:55 ص (Poland), Istanbul (10)
اللغة: English

The Programs & Events (P&E) Dashboard (https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/) allows organizers to effectively train participants in their programs and events, monitor the work participants do on Wikimedia wikis, and assess their contributions. It also allows them to report metrics on what the participants have done.

In this workshop we will teach participants how to use the P&E Dashboard, taking them from the basic steps of getting started, through advanced tips and tools. We will also provide tips on customizing things to support their individual programs.

Session recording: https://youtu.be/LWWUXW1O3Q4?list=PLhV3K_DS5YfJ1xyY0LNDNX3RKyRQEXOdB&t=7375

كيف ترتبط جلستكم بشعار المؤتمر: التعاون المفتوح؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

The Dashboard is a widely used tool for program organizers across the Wikimedia movement, and it supports many programs, campaigns and events that bring new contributors the projects.

ما هو مستوى الخبرة المطلوب للجمهور لحضور جلستكم؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Everyone can participate in this session

كيف تخططون لتقديم هذه الجلسة؟ سيُطلب منكم تأكيد هذا قرب تاريخ المؤتمر في حالة تغير

Onsite in Katowice

ما هي الإطارات أو المواضيع الأخرى التي تندرج في جلستكم؟ يرجى الاختيار من القائمة أدناه. سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Edit-a-thons, Campaigns, Events, Storytelling

Sage Ross — User:Ragesoss & User:Sage (Wiki Ed) — has been editing Wikipedia since 2005. As a volunteer, he has written featured articles, reported for and edited The Signpost, run Wikipedia assignments in college courses, and uploaded hundreds of original photos and videos to Commons. He was part of WMF's Public Policy Initiative team in 2010, and has been building technology for Wiki Education for more than 10 years.

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