تم حفظ تفضيلاتك المحلية. نود أن نعتقد أن لدينا دعمًا ممتازًا للغة العربية ضمن منصة pretalx ، ولكن إذا واجهتك مشكلات أو أخطاء ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا!

Mobile Digitization Centre - open heritage in cooperation with Wikipedia
09‏/08‏, 1:30 م–1:55 م (Poland), Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
اللغة: English

Collaborations within GLAM projects are primarily for galleries, museums, libraries and archives. Can a cultural institution that does not have its own collections be useful for GLAM projects? How does the diversity of activities undertaken by such institutions affect the diversity of activities in the wiki sphere? Employees of The Wojciech Korfanty Institute will research these ideas and present the innovative project of the mobile digitization centre.

This session will also allow all of the participants to experience Mobile Digitization Centre with its equipment.

The Wojciech Korfanty Institute has been cooperating with the Wikimedia Polska Association for several years. In 2017, a cooperation agreement was signed to jointly work towards open knowledge. Since then, The Wojciech Korfanty Institute organized many events promoting the ideas of Wikipedia. There were workshops, conferences, meetings. These events were most often addressed to other cultural institutions in the region, but not only for them. Open meetings were organized every month where people could edit Wikipedia using the Institute's library.

One of the ideas for cooperation is to use the possibilities offered by the car called MobyDig (from the words mobility and digitalization) at the Institute. It is a vehicle that is equipped with the devices (cameras, scanners, 3d scanners etc.) that allow to digitize any kind of tangible and intangible heritage.

During the presentation, Institute’s employees will present examples of activities related to Wikipedia undertaken over the last few years, then they will present Mobile Digitization Centre and its current and planned use. This part will take the form of a short lecture and presentation. You will then be able to view the car and its equipment.

Session recording: https://www.youtube.com/live/wLgxZTcjhjY?si=gtiuYOU_eHg1FzPM&t=15075

كيف ترتبط جلستكم بشعار المؤتمر: التعاون المفتوح؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

The Wojciech Korfanty Institute has been cooperating with the Wikimedia Polska Association for over 7 years. This will be a story about joint activities for open knowledge.

ما هو مستوى الخبرة المطلوب للجمهور لحضور جلستكم؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Everyone can participate in this session

كيف تخططون لتقديم هذه الجلسة؟ سيُطلب منكم تأكيد هذا قرب تاريخ المؤتمر في حالة تغير

Onsite in Katowice

ما هي الإطارات أو المواضيع الأخرى التي تندرج في جلستكم؟ يرجى الاختيار من القائمة أدناه. سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Collaboration, Affiliates, Storytelling

الإطلاع أيضا على :

Ewa Caban (EwkaC) – Wikipedian since 2011,member of the Wikimedia Polska, editor of Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikisource. Organizer of the "Fridays with Wikipedia" editing meetings taking place in Katowice since 2018. Wikitrainer, conducted training, among others: as part of the "1lib1ref" campaign for librarians, for teachers at the Provincial Methodological Center in Katowice, for students of the University of Silesia and as part of the "Wiki-teka" campaign. Member of the Polish jury of the "Wiki likes monuments" photography competition. Co-organizer of the "GLAM - heritage online" conference and wiki-workshops for museums in the Silesian Voivodeship (Katowice 2018). As part of GLAM, she cooperated with, among others: with the Trakt Cultural Tourism Center in Poznań and the Metallurgical Museum in Chorzów. Professionally, as the head of the department of the Heritage Center of the Wojciech Korfanty Institute, she deals with tangible and intangible monuments in the Silesian Voivodeship.

head of the Mobile Digitization Centre department, sociologist, trainer of adults