تم حفظ تفضيلاتك المحلية. نود أن نعتقد أن لدينا دعمًا ممتازًا للغة العربية ضمن منصة pretalx ، ولكن إذا واجهتك مشكلات أو أخطاء ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا!

The CEE Hub's concrete support for smaller communities
07‏/08‏, 2:15 م–2:55 م (Poland), Tbilisi (7)
اللغة: English

This presentation will provide attendees with an understanding of the specific actions that the CEE hub has been taking to support the growth and operation of smaller communities that operate without paid personnel. We would like to present two approaches: capacity building supported by a part-time salaried staff member and the CEE Hub micro-grant program.

Over the past four years, volunteers and employees of affiliates from Central and Eastern Europe have collaborated to build the CEE Hub. The first draft of the CEE Hub's scope of work was derived from the findings of the regional research, which indicated that the hub's work should be divided into three categories: administrative, programmatic, and support for communication activities.
Drawing from our first year of experience with two staff members implementing the CEE Hub project in 2023, we came to the conclusion that implementing two new processes might have a major impact on aiding smaller communities. Microgrants and capacity building with a dedicated part-time worker are the two processes/mechanisms that will be presented and explained in this lecture.
The session is intended for those who would like to learn more about practical ways of stimulating development of smaller communities (communities without staff members). If you have ever been wondering about ways to help smaller community to grow then this is a lecture for you.
Session recording: https://www.youtube.com/live/kBr9tNEMA0k?feature=shared&t=16428

كيف ترتبط جلستكم بشعار المؤتمر: التعاون المفتوح؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Support that we are giving to the CEE communities is part of the bigger collaboration in the form of the CEE Hub.

ما هو مستوى الخبرة المطلوب للجمهور لحضور جلستكم؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Everyone can participate in this session

كيف تخططون لتقديم هذه الجلسة؟ سيُطلب منكم تأكيد هذا قرب تاريخ المؤتمر في حالة تغير

Onsite in Katowice

ما هي الإطارات أو المواضيع الأخرى التي تندرج في جلستكم؟ يرجى الاختيار من القائمة أدناه. سيظهر هذا علنًا.
الإطلاع أيضا على : Slides for the session (91,5 ك.ب)

Passionate cyclist and Wikipedian from 2010

currently Program Officer at Wikimedia CEE Hub

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