تم حفظ تفضيلاتك المحلية. نود أن نعتقد أن لدينا دعمًا ممتازًا للغة العربية ضمن منصة pretalx ، ولكن إذا واجهتك مشكلات أو أخطاء ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا!

Building the CEE hub - how it looks from the staff's perspective
09‏/08‏, 1:30 م–1:55 م (Poland), Istanbul (10)
اللغة: English

Volunteers and staff members of affiliates from the Central and Easter Europe have worked together for the past four years to build the CEE Hub. A little over a year and a half has passed since the CEE Hub hired its two full-time (project-based) staff members. In this presentation, the staff's perspectives on the CEE Hub project's implementation, interactions with more than thirty CEE communities, and cooperation with the WMF will be presented.

Volunteers and staff members of affiliates from the Central and Easter Europe have worked together for the past four years to build the CEE Hub. The CEE Hub has had two full-time (project-based) employees for a little over a year and a half, and their job has been to implement the annual plans of the CEE Hub.
The purpose of this lecture is to present the viewpoint of the staff on the CEE Hub project's implementation, communication with over 30 CEE communities, and collaboration with the WMF. We want to show practical side of day-to day work of ‘building’ a Hub.
The session is intended for those who would like to learn more about the practical aspects, daily tasks, and difficulties involved in the hub-building process. The session is helpful for volunteers who wish to have a deeper understanding of the viewpoint and efforts of staff members as well as for any staff personnel (the WMF or affiliate staff) who wish to hear about and gain knowledge about our approaches.

Session recording: https://youtu.be/kBr9tNEMA0k?list=PLhV3K_DS5YfL7A2HXrpt8ZgnWlGjp0vIP&t=16420

كيف ترتبط جلستكم بشعار المؤتمر: التعاون المفتوح؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Exploring Hubs as a new territory in our movement

ما هو مستوى الخبرة المطلوب للجمهور لحضور جلستكم؟ سيظهر هذا علنًا.

Everyone can participate in this session

كيف تخططون لتقديم هذه الجلسة؟ سيُطلب منكم تأكيد هذا قرب تاريخ المؤتمر في حالة تغير

Onsite in Katowice

ما هي الإطارات أو المواضيع الأخرى التي تندرج في جلستكم؟ يرجى الاختيار من القائمة أدناه. سيظهر هذا علنًا.
الإطلاع أيضا على : Slides for the session (983,5 ك.ب)

Passionate cyclist and Wikipedian from 2010

currently Program Officer at Wikimedia CEE Hub

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