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Sara Petti

Sara leads the Open Knowledge Network, which brings together experts of the open movement globally. The Network's main focus is the intersection of tech and democracy, and Sara’s role is to facilitate synergy and collaboration among the members, encouraging the sharing of best practices, and strengthening strategic alignment on topics of interest. Under her direction, the Network has grown larger and stronger. At Open Knowledge Foundation Sara also supports open source and open data communities, and is passionate about all issues linked to community care and health, like governance. Before joining Open Knowledge Foundation, she was part of a project advocating for public libraries to be on the EU agenda (notably for the review of the Copyright Directive), and was part of the team that grew Khan Academy in French.


All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall
Sara Petti, Susanna Ånäs, Haydee Svab, Sonja Fischbauer, Nikesh Balami, Renata Avila

Join the Open Knowledge Network for a dynamic discussion on strengthening the digital commons. As a diverse and vibrant community of experts from different areas of the open movement, we will explore avenues for collective action to address fragmentation and enhance our collective impact. Let’s find out how we can build bridges across all different organisations active in the open movement to drive positive social change together.

Dilijan (3) (interpretation)
Frictionless data for more collaboration
Sara Petti, Patricio Del Boca

Open data becomes a truly collaborative resource when it is not only open, but also adheres to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). It is hard for technical people to produce and publish data that is open and FAIR, it is even harder to do so for non-technical people.
Open Knowledge Foundation developed Open Data Editor, a no-code application for data publishing intended to provide all those with little to no programming skills with all the functionalities needed for high quality, interoperable data and metadata production and consumption.

Open Data
Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)