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The Big Funnel: Africa Growth Pilot phase two
08/08, 10:00–10:25 (Poland), Belgrade (8)
Idioma: English

An experimental new model for recruiting self-motivated contributors in Africa using self-paced online learning materials, and focusing on the fraction of people who complete the curriculum without external incentives.

a presentation on phase two of the Africa Growth Pilot program, focusing on testing the "Big Funnel" approach to driving complete newbies to high-quality, structured self-paced courses online, and then surfacing promising, self-motivating graduates and investing further — in human attention, invitations to gatherings, mentorship, 1:1 calls — only in those select few.

This in contrast to the outreach practice so far (in Africa and elsewhere), where we put in resources (time, money) into live trainings of general audiences with ~2% retention at best and a nonzero cost per capita.

Session recording:

¿Cómo se relaciona su sesión con los temas del evento: Colaboración Abierta?

It is about recruiting direct contributors to Wikimedia projects, so not explicitly about collaborating across open projects.

¿Cuál es el nivel de experiencia que requiere la audiencia en su sesión?

Average knowledge about Wikimedia projects or activities

¿Cómo planea realizar la sesión?

Onsite in Katowice

¿Qué otros temas o tópicos aborda su sesión? Por favor, escoja elementos de la lista de etiquetas a continuación.

Capacity building

Ver también : Africa Growth Pilot phase 2 (3,7 MB)

Veteran Wikimedia volunteer and veteran Wikimedia Foundation staff (Lead Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities).

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