Se han guardado sus preferencias de configuración regional. Nos gusta pensar que tenemos un excelente soporte para el español en Pretalx, pero si encuentra problemas o errores, ¡contáctenos!

Let’s disagree together! Exploring a controversial topic
10/08, 15:30–16:55 (Poland), Belgrade (8)
Idioma: English

As wikimedians, we like conflicts. We have (strong) opinions, and we have (hard) feelings. This will be a space to voice them, on one topic in particular: the conflict between the community and the organizations in Wikimedia.

The session will start with a debate between two opposing voices, followed by a discussion among the attendees, with the aim of allowing different voices to be heard, and understanding each other’s point of view. Agreeing is not expected!

Maybe you believe that the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia affiliates are parasites that live off the work of the community? It's the community that does the work, and brings in the visitors and everything!

Or maybe you believe that they are critical to the Wikimedia visions; that people in affiliates are part of the community like online volunteers, and the Wikimedia Foundation does the groundwork that allows the Wikimedia projects to exist.

In this session, we will explore the conflict between the community and the organizations in Wikimedia. We will start with a short debate (loosely inspired by debate competitions) showing two opposing voices on the topic. After that, attendees will be asked to bring their voice; reflecting on what they just heard, or adding their points of view.

This specific topic has been chosen based on the results of a survey in advance of Wikimania, looking for a divisive topic, relevant for the participants, with strong emotions on both sides, but also focused.

The format of the session will be similar to the 2023 one with a similar name, which explored the tension on credit and recognition between volunteers and staff.

While this session will give space to different views, and will have a short debate at the beginning, it is not meant to persuade anyone of anything, and it will not seek to have a winner; nor it is a place to make decisions. The goal is to express the different positions, fears and hopes, allowing people to voice them and to listen to them.

Attendance is limited to 25 people. Once the room is full and the session starts, it would not be possible for additional people to join.

¿Cómo se relaciona su sesión con los temas del evento: Colaboración Abierta?

Being able to voice our views and feelings, and listen to others, is critical for collaborating as human beings.

¿Cuál es el nivel de experiencia que requiere la audiencia en su sesión?

Some experience will be needed

¿Cómo planea realizar la sesión?

Onsite in Katowice

¿Qué otros temas o tópicos aborda su sesión? Por favor, escoja elementos de la lista de etiquetas a continuación.
offline session not streaming