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Partnerships for The Wikipedia Library
Idioma: English

This lighting talk is about the partnerships we built for The Wikipedia Library over the past year and our priorities for the next year.

The Wikipedia Library is a project from Wikimedia Foundation, which provides volunteers with free access to research content from more than a hundred paywalled sources. This project runs through partnerships with publishers, where we persuade them to give access to their content for free for qualified Wikimedia editors.

This lighting talk aims to give a sense of various partnership conversations we had in the current financial year, the latest resources available in The Wikipedia Library, and our partnerships priorities for the next year.

¿Cómo se relaciona su sesión con los temas del evento: Colaboración Abierta?

Access to high quality research is important to combat misinfo/disinfo and address knowledge gaps

¿Cuál es el nivel de experiencia que requiere la audiencia en su sesión?

Everyone can participate in this session

¿Cómo planea realizar la sesión?

Onsite in Katowice

¿Qué otros temas o tópicos aborda su sesión? Por favor, escoja elementos de la lista de etiquetas a continuación.
Ver también : Slide deck