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Hidden Figures: creating a Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)
7 août , 10:00–10:25 (Poland), Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
Langue: English

The Hidden Figures working group was formed to develop a course based undergraduate research experience (CURE) to help university students discover ‘hidden figures’ in natural history collections. The aim of this CURE is to train university students in data-sleuthing and Wikidata editing techniques to help ensure marginalised scientists get proper attribution for their scientific contributions, particularly specimens collected and identified by those scientists. This presentation will pay particular attention to the Wikidata module created as part of this course.
Session recording available on today’s Youtube stream;

This session will outline how the Hidden Figures working group was formed, the aims of the working group in creating this CURE, the methods and tools used by the group to create the modules, how the modules were reviewed and published and finally information on the implementation of these modules in the classroom. The challenges and successes of this project will be described with the aim of inspiring others to undertake the work of assisting university educators to create resources for teaching aspects of the Wikiverse in the classroom.

Session recording: https://youtu.be/OyyYA4iWkyA?list=PLhV3K_DS5YfL7A2HXrpt8ZgnWlGjp0vIP&t=609

Comment votre session est-elle liée aux thèmes de l'événement: Collaboration dans le cadre du libre?

The Hidden Figures working group is a collaboration of multidisciplinary and multi institutional people working together to create a university course one of the aims of which is to teach university students to contribute data openly, specifically to Wikidata, with the focus of improving existing biases and emphasising the contributions of marginalised groups.

Quel est le niveau d'expérience requis pour le public de votre session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Comment comptez-vous animer cette session?

Onsite in Katowice

Dans quels autres thèmes ou sujets s’inscrit votre session? Veuillez sélectinner dans la liste de choix ci-dessous.

Collaboration, Capacity building

Voir aussi : Slides for presentation

Hi I'm User:Ambrosia10, also known as Siobhan Leachman. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I co-organise both the Wikipedians in Wellington Meetup as well as the virtual Aotearoa New Zealand Online Wiki meetup, both of which are held monthly. For my contributions to various WikiProjects see https://wikidata.wikiscan.org/user/Ambrosia10 . I'm interested in New Zealand, natural history, the OpenGLAM movement, supporting GLAM engagement with WikiProjects, and increasing the participation with and the generation of content in English Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. I am keen supporter of Women in Red, WikiCite, events such as #1Lib1Ref, as well as Wikidata WikiProject Biodiversity and Wikidata WikiProject Research Expeditions. I am the chairperson of the BHL-Wiki working group and was awarded the Wikimedia Laureate award in 2023. More detail on my other contributions to the Wiki-verse can be seen on my ORCID profile https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5398-7721.

Autre(s) intervention(s) de l'orateur :