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Revision quality algorithms: a subjective view
8 août , 14:15–14:55 (Poland), Ohrid (9)(interpretation)
Langue: English

Wikimedians can now choose from several machine learning models which provide insight into different aspects of revisions. But which one is right for your wiki? We'll take a subjective and user-centric tour of the models and the proposed Automoderator feature.

With the advent of the Automoderator tool, communities will have a tool for automatic reverts at their disposal. But there are more similar algorithms out there, and not all are born equal.

This session will take a subjective and user-centric look at three of the ML models available from WMF's teams, with a case study from the Romanian Wikipedia, in order to familiarize the audience with the pros and cons of the different models.

Session recording: https://youtu.be/govhrZZjV6s?t=15570

Comment votre session est-elle liée aux thèmes de l'événement: Collaboration dans le cadre du libre?

The Automoderator tool is developed solely by the WMF, but with Lift Wing, at least in theory, anyone can deploy an ML model for the community to use. By presenting this subject to the community, I hope to foster more collaboration within the community and more openness from the development team.

Quel est le niveau d'expérience requis pour le public de votre session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Comment comptez-vous animer cette session?

Onsite in Katowice

Dans quels autres thèmes ou sujets s’inscrit votre session? Veuillez sélectinner dans la liste de choix ci-dessous.

Product development

Voir aussi : Presentation

Programmer by formation, Wikipedian for 18+ years.

Autre(s) intervention(s) de l'orateur :