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Protecting Children on-Wiki: a Child Rights Solutions Workshop
10 août , 13:30–14:55 (Poland), Tbilisi (7)
Langue: English

During this interactive workshop, participants will review the recommendations of the Wikimedia Foundation's recently published child rights impact assessment to prioritize actions and to collaboratively develop plans of action for the community to undertake in order to help keep children safe on Wikimedia projects.

In January, the Wikimedia Foundation published its first child rights impact assessment analyzing the human rights impacts and opportunities of Wikimedia projects on children, as well as the risks minors face in using or participating in Wikimedia projects. This report offered a number of recommendations for the Wikimedia movement to consider in order to better protect children on our projects. Using an interactive workshop format, participants will review and prioritize recommendations from this using a modified Eisenhower matrix to assess potential impact vs. urgency. Participants will then break into small groups to develop concrete plans of action for the community to undertake to implement the highest priority topics identified in the previous exercise. At the end, small groups will present their action plans to the entire group and receive feedback from other participants.

Session recording: https://youtu.be/QfbjhJiy41E?list=PLhV3K_DS5YfJdC5P86rsDsUtxEow0gDnR&t=15673

Comment votre session est-elle liée aux thèmes de l'événement: Collaboration dans le cadre du libre?

This collaborative workshop will harness the experience and expertise of diverse Wikimedians to develop concrete actions plans that will have the long-term impact of helping to keep children safe on Wikimedia projects, thereby helping to make the free & open knowledge ecosystem more welcoming and hospitable to young users around the world.

Quel est le niveau d'expérience requis pour le public de votre session?

Average knowledge about Wikimedia projects or activities

Comment comptez-vous animer cette session?

Onsite in Katowice

Dans quels autres thèmes ou sujets s’inscrit votre session? Veuillez sélectinner dans la liste de choix ci-dessous.


Voir aussi : Slide Deck

Richard Gaines is a human rights and international security professional who leverages more than twelve years of experience in foreign policy and advocacy to promote human rights. Richard currently serves as the Human Rights Policy & Advocacy Lead at the Wikimedia Foundation, where he advances the Foundation’s values and policy positions around freedom of expression, access to knowledge, privacy, and censorship while defending knowledge as a human right.