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Hackathon Day 3
10 août , 10:00–16:55 (Poland), Voore (interpretation) (19+25+26)
Langue: English

This year, the Wikimania organizers are hoping to bring closer developers, editors, wiki-functionaries with advanced rights, and staff. See https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2024:Program/Hackathon for more information.

The Wikimania Hackathon is a working event where technical Wikimedians from around the world meet to co-work on engineering problems. We will have a dedicated hacking space for you to work in and collaborate with others on your projects.

Comment votre session est-elle liée aux thèmes de l'événement: Collaboration dans le cadre du libre?

We'll have several tables setup in the venue - in the foyer area and in the Hackathon room - to give interested people the opportunity to talk about various initiatives that the Wikimedia Foundation teams are working on. These tables will have scheduled times where people will be available during Wikimania - mostly during breaks, lunches, or other pre-determined times.

Quel est le niveau d'expérience requis pour le public de votre session?

Everyone can participate in this session

Comment comptez-vous animer cette session?

Onsite in Katowice

Dans quels autres thèmes ou sujets s’inscrit votre session? Veuillez sélectinner dans la liste de choix ci-dessous.
offline session not streaming

Deb Tankersley is part of the Product & Technology Department at the Wikimedia Foundation - coordinating and organizing learning and knowledge-sharing initiatives that have broad technical outreach and working to encourage technical community capacity building within the Wikimedia movement. She is the Foundation's coordinator for the bi-annual Outreachy and annual Google Summer of Code (GSoC) internship programs. She also is lead organizer for hackathons, the annual Coolest Tool Award, and Tech Blog.

Autre(s) intervention(s) de l'orateur :