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Let’s Connect Learning Clinic: Keeping volunteers onboard - how to profile, match and motivate volunteers
09.08, 13:30–14:55 (Poland), Belgrade (8)
Language: English

The Wikimedia movement relies on volunteers. Not only is it a hard task to increase the number of new volunteers, it is an even bigger challenge to keep those volunteers involved.
This interactive workshop is dedicated to understanding volunteer profiles based on motivations, how we match these to different types of volunteering activities, and how to make sure we support volunteers so they are not demotivated.

Through a series of interactive exercises, participants will learn about volunteer profiles and how they can be matched to the right volunteering activities. Then we will dig into the volunteer journey and share ideas on how to best onboard, support and motivate volunteers.
By the end of the workshop, participants will leave with tools to better support volunteers that they manage to bring to a first activity, but may not know how to best tailor activities to their interests and make them stay!

Как ваша сессия связана с темами события: Открытое сотрудничество?

The session "Effective Onboarding and Training Strategies for Wikimedia Volunteers" aligns with the event theme of "Collaboration of the Open" by emphasizing the importance of inclusivity, and knowledge sharing within the Wikimedia community by providing safe strategies for integrating and sustaining new volunteers as this has long been a challenge for the Wikimedia Movement.

It encourages collaboration among program organizers and leaders to create effective training experiences, ultimately enhancing the capacity of volunteers to contribute meaningfully to open knowledge initiatives.

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Everyone can participate in this session

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Onsite in Katowice

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Capacity building

See also: Keeping volunteers onboard-how to profile, match and motivate volunteers
offline session not streaming

I am a certified Nigerian librarian and the Regional Liaison Officer for the Sub-Saharan Africa on the Let's Connect working group. I am also the Community Coordinator for the Africa Wikipedian Alliance and serves as the Special Advisor for the Wikipedia + Education User Group. Additionally, I am an active member of the Creative Commons Open Culture Platform.
As the founder of the Kwara State University (KWASU) Wiki Fan Club in 2022, I promoted the use of Wikimedia projects among the university's staff and students. My role as a Content Campaign Organizer includes co-organizing the first WikiClimate Campus Tour in Nigeria and leading the inaugural Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Nigeria as a certified Trainer.
My involvement extends to various Wikimedia initiatives within and outside Nigeria. Furthermore,I have provided facilitation and mentorship support to other Wikimedians, fostering collaboration and guiding new editors in their journey to become fully integrated into the Wikimedia community, ensuring they feel safe and have a sense of belonging. My work within the Wikimedia community has been focused on fostering community engagement and promoting open knowledge.

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Jan-Bart de Vreede has been involved with the Wikimedia movement since 2006. He is a CapX Advisory Committee member, Chair of Wikimedia Nederland and co-host of the quarterly “Wikimedia Europe & Friends” conference call. He served on the Wikimedia Board of Trustees in what was arguably a simpler time and has still managed to make his fair share of mistakes. At Wikimania he is excited for meeting old friends and being involved in the Let's Connect sessions :)

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I am a GLAM Manager at Wikimedia Serbia, #1Lib1Ref Global Coordinator, and a CEE Liaison for Let's Connect.

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