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Peer Support for Developing and Accelerating Affiliate Fundraising
10.08, 10:00–10:55 (Poland), Tbilisi (7)
Language: English

This session will look at developing peer support to accelerate fundraising across our movement. We will start off with hearing from affiliates who successfully fundraise on what works and what does not for them. We then open up space for a discussion on where fundraising interested parties are in their fundraising journey and what support they would need to advance further.

Introduction - fundraising for our movement (Amy Fowler, Wikimedia Foundation)
Case studies from Wikimedia Sweden on what works and what does not ( Jenny Brandt, Wikimedia Sweden)
What is the Wikimedia Foundation doing to support affiliates to further their fundraising (Amy Fowler, Wikimedia Foundation)
Introducing the European peer to peer fundraising support group - join or adapt the model for your region (Julia Brungs, Wikimedia Foundation, and Jenny Brandt, Wikimedia Sweden)
Wikimedia Europe - Supporting affiliates in Europe (Valentina Calcagno, Wikimedia Europe)
Discussion - where are you at in your fundraising journey and what do you need to elevate it? (led by Amy Fowler, Wikimedia Foundation)

Session recording:

Как ваша сессия связана с темами события: Открытое сотрудничество?

The session will encourage affiliates and movement members who are interested in fundraising to learn more and collaborate to fund our movement.

Какой уровень опыта нужен аудитории для вашей сессии?

This session is for an experienced audience

Как вы планируете провести эту сессию?

Onsite in Katowice

С какими другими темами или вопросами соотносится ваша тема? Пожалуйста, выберите из списка тегов ниже.

Collaboration, Affiliates, Campaigns

See also: Presentation

I work as a community relations specialist for the Foundation's Advancement Department. I work mainly with the fundraising teams.

This speaker also appears in:

Major Gifts Stewardship Manager, Wikimedia Foundation