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Wikimedia quiz
08.08, 18:00–18:55 (Poland), Kyiv Auditorium (interpretation)
Language: English

A Wikimedia quiz that would be suitable for participants of all abilities.

The proposal is a Wikimedia quiz, designed to be suitable for participants of all abilities. Questions would be designed to

  • be as language and project-independent as possible
  • have a wide standard deviation overall in terms of difficulty level, so there would be some questions that even a newcomer would be able to access, while a few would be designed to stretch the very best participants.

This is not an event designed with socialisation in mind (such as a pub quiz). The focus is on the questions.

The quiz specification is available at

Как ваша сессия связана с темами события: Открытое сотрудничество?

The event is designed to bring participants of all levels and experience together in a common quiz, where they'll get the chance to showcase what they do know, and learn what they don't,

Какой уровень опыта нужен аудитории для вашей сессии?

Everyone can participate in this session

Как вы планируете провести эту сессию?

Onsite in Katowice

С какими другими темами или вопросами соотносится ваша тема? Пожалуйста, выберите из списка тегов ниже.
offline session not streaming

I'm Leaderboard. Currently I'm an admin on three WMF wikis (en.wikibooks, MediaWiki and Meta-Wiki) and normally specialise in the technical area, writing automation tools and helping users with technical-related problems on my wikis (such as importing and abuse filters) and elsewhere.