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Key Partner session: Dromaderros: why making mistakes is crucial in learning
08.08, 10:00–11:25 (Poland), Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
Language: English

Title: Dromaderros: why making mistakes is crucial in learning. (Marta Puciłowska - Schielmann)
Let me introduce You to a herd of stuffed camels, Dromaderros, that will guide You through a design thinking process. We will explore how our (and our children's) approach to making mistakes, testing and taking constructive feedback shapes a resilient attitude to self-guided learning, builds perseverance and boosts creativity. I will give some school/educational insights, but this is a workshop for anyone who wishes to take a deep dive into the subject.

I will bring a real herd of stuffed animals made by an artist, Uchatka, for the School with Class Foundation and designed especially to work with mistakes in the educational process. My aim is to show You what elements of traditional teaching and learning do not support resilience, understood as an ability to bounce back from challenging life situations and what we can do to change it (Warning! It's difficult but not impossible!). We will also talk about how schools can open up and absorb skills and knowledge from different sectors, including business and universities and use design thinking as an example. It will be a workshop, so we will exercise, experiment and exchange ideas. I may have some slides, but I hope it will be all about being here and now group experience so I will minimize theory to let you experience.
Participants will understand what it means to be resilient (online and offline). Participants will learn the design thinking process and its potential in the school/learning context. Participants will have a chance to participate in a forum discussion and group activities to share and inspire. Participants will explore how opening up to learn from different contexts and sectors can benefit schools and educational systems.

Session recording:

Как ваша сессия связана с темами события: Открытое сотрудничество?

Partner session.
We will talk about how to open schools/educational environments to new methods, different approaches and other sectors/entities/environments.

Какой уровень опыта нужен аудитории для вашей сессии?

Everyone can participate in this session

Как вы планируете провести эту сессию?

Onsite in Katowice

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Collaboration, Conferences, Events, Storytelling

See also: