
Wen-Ren Bill Lin is an undergraduate student in Applied Foreign Languages at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), focusing on multicultural and multimodal communication. He has worked as an English and Japanese tutor at the Language Center in NTUST since 2022 and participated as a Teaching Assistant in Wikipedia: The NTUST AFL Wikipedia Education Program in 2023 and 2024.

His career interest lies in enhancing communication across departments in the workplace through the application of multimodal communication principles. He has held leadership positions as President of the Applied Foreign Languages Student Association in 2023 and the Japanese Culture Research Club in 2024. He was also a member of Engineers in Action in 2022.

He has attended the 2024 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT). He aims to pursue a master’s degree to deepen his understanding of communication studies and plans to apply this knowledge to improve inter-departmental communication in professional settings.


Lightning Talk Showcase I
Jan Lochman (Juandev), Youngjin Ko, Sara Thomas, 林文仁, ranjithsiji, Tatjana Baleta, Asaf Bartov, Rocío Aravena, Laliv Gal, Mari Avetisyan, Lydia Pintscher (WMDE), Zache, Paul Sutermeister, Toby Hudson / 99of9, Ana Bragança (user:Anita Braga) and Flavia Doria (user:XenoF), Lucie Schubert (WMCZ), Programa de Educación Wikimedia Colombia

Hosted by Sherry Antoine, with guest host Ruby D-Brown and a welcome from Program Lead Wojciech Pędzich.

Showcase recording: https://youtu.be/wYc5gnZfnpU?list=PLhV3K_DS5YfJ9Wvo43XRDbCC2dfhdS7BG&t=25743

Kyiv Auditorium (interpretation)