
Luis Carrasco es Biólogo Marino con mención académica en Recursos Naturales y Derecho Ambiental, y cursa un Master en Políticas Públicas en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Le interesan las políticas públicas que protegen y gestionan la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas de Chile, su país natal. Es editor de Wikipedia en español desde 2008 y Director de Wikimedia Chile desde 2020. Es durante este período de tiempo que comprendió la importancia del acceso libre y abierto a todas las fuentes de conocimiento, para cualquier persona que busque saber. Quienes lo conocen saben que siempre está involucrado en diversos proyectos de participación ciudadana, conocimiento libre, medio ambiente, diversidad sexual y juventud.


Rediscovering Chile's railway heritage at EFE's Documentary Centre

This session highlights the work of exploring and documenting Chile's railway heritage through the archives of the Documentary Centre of the State Railway Company (EFE). It will address the process of rediscovering valuable historical records, from photographs and plans to technical documents, and how these inputs enrich the railway narrative on public access platforms such as Wikimedia projects. The presentation will underline the importance of digitisation and documentary preservation in the promotion and dissemination of the Chilean railway legacy, supporting the preservation of national history and heritage.

Lviv (21+22+23) (interpretation)
How did the Spanish LGBT Wikiproject go from 5 to 750 new articles per year?
LuisCG11, Freddy Veloz

Over the years the content on Wikipedia in Spanish related to LGBT+ issues has increased explosively due to the work methodologies and engagement, which have emerged through the Wikiproject:LGBT, of members of the Wikimedia community as well as new users. But what have these methodologies been applied through this wikiproject, and what results have been obtained from this way of coordinating the work?

Contributor/Community Engagement
Dilijan (3) (interpretation)