Nadia Nadesan
Nadia is a writer, researcher and designer whose work is at the intersection of tech, the urban, and design justice. She has been working with open source software such as Decidim to push for a more ethical tech and public digital spaces. She is currently working with Platoniq on participation and governance on and offline. She is a collaborator at AIxD on how to create and conceptualize small AI through an ethical and situated framework. Through the Open Future grant she has developed a series of articles and a handbook for artists and creatives to develop AI literacy in English and Spanish. Her upcoming research supports artists and creatives in developing a sense and systems for reclaiming agency in AI governance.
With a structured agenda spanning three parts, this event, centred around participatory content and program building in GLAM organisations, aims to delve into the benefits and challenges of participation while providing practical solutions and facilitating active involvement.