Úna Hussey

Úna Hussey is a project manager at the Hunt Museum in Limerick, Ireland, specialising in cross-institutional collaboration and community-driven projects. Úna is the project manager of a pivotal work package for the RECHARGE project. This RECHARGE work package is testing participatory business models in ‘Living Labs’ to learn about diversifying funding streams for the cultural heritage sector. Úna has worked in the education area tying collection objects from multiple cultural heritage institutions to educational resources. Her professional background includes extensive experience in healthcare and nonprofit project management. She holds an MA in Fashion and the Environment from the London College of Fashion."


Key Partner session: Participate & Innovate: Unleashing Collective Creativity in GLAM Organizations
Maja Drabczyk, Natalia Cetera, Úna Hussey, Nadia Nadesan

With a structured agenda spanning three parts, this event, centred around participatory content and program building in GLAM organisations, aims to delve into the benefits and challenges of participation while providing practical solutions and facilitating active involvement.

Lviv (21+22+23) (interpretation)