Tetiana Kolesnykova

Dr. Tetiana Kolesnykova is the Director of the Scientific Library of the
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST), PhD in
Social Sciences (Communications), Senior Researcher. She’s the Head of the
Editorial and Publishing Section at the Education Quality Council of USUST;
Chairman of the Organising Committee of the international conference
"University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development"
(http://conflib.diit.edu.ua/); Editor-in-Chief of the journal "University Library at
a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference
Proceedings" (http://unilibnsd.diit.edu.ua); Indexing in Scopus; Chief issue
editor of the journal "Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical
Research" (http://ampr.diit.edu.ua); Indexing in WoS; Head of the Section of
University Libraries of the Ukrainian Library Association (ULA); and member of
the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL; SPARC Europe),
as well as Creative Commons Open Education Platform and OE Global.


Open Education and Collaboration Amidst War in Ukraine
Jennryn Wetzler, Mira Buist-Zhuk, Tetiana Kolesnykova

Through our storytelling of recent events in 2023 and 2024, we will demonstrate the power of OER as a tool for cross country collaboration, connection and as support for learning communities in Ukraine. We will invite participants to join our collective story, as we explore ways to support Ukrainian colleagues translating and localizing OER on needed skills training amidst full-scale war.

Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)