Nikos Likomitros

Nikos Likomitros is a Greek Wikimedian. He contributes since 2013, regularly from 2016 there. He has been involved with young Wikimedians since pretty earlier in his Wikimedia career, by helping a lot with cementing a stable community of youth, teenagers and students. He has organized various editathons in Greek Wikipedia and is a member of the Greek Usergroup. Moreover since 2023 he is involved in the Wikivibrance network and he is involved on youth projects, while he is also member of CEE Youth Group. He is interested on affairs related to youth and Wikimedia movement but also for developing communities. He has done Wikimedia outreach in 2 universities so far, being a key member of Wiki for Minorities international network and recently made an online webinar for Greeks in Germany. He also attended CEE Youth Group meeting in Prague, Czechia where he learned a lot about youth projects from around CEE and shared his own experiences. He's interested on international collaborations, the future of the movement, governance, experience exchange and Wikimedia ecosystem.


Extracurricular Wikimedia organisations: how to connect universities with the movement
Nikos Likomitros, Aafi, Ege

Education is one of the fields where Wikimedia can have its biggest impact as we work to make the sum of all human knowledge. Many Wikimedians integrate Wikimedia in their curriculum, teachers' training programs and so on but the practice of ECWOs is not yet well explored. Running Extracurricular Wikimedia organizations (ECWO) in educational institutions offers more flexibility than traditional Wikimedia practices as part of the curriculum itself. It allows training the students as open knowledge activists going beyond rigidly pushing Wikimedia to their coursework. This session covers the structure, activities and experiences of the ECWOs from around the world.

Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
CEE Youth Group: a successful youth organisation within the movement
Nikos Likomitros, Mari Avetisyan, Y. Caner Özyayıkçı

CEE Youth Group is a group created in August 2023 by the CEE Hub. It's target is to unite the Youth community in the CEE countries and promote Wikimedia practices among Youth while also helping a lot with building multidimensional capacity for its members. The presentation is aiming to show the various youth projects around CEE and highlight the importance of the group while highlighting also the importance of applying the model elsewhere.

Contributor/Community Engagement
Dilijan (3) (interpretation)