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Climate policy in Wikidata
Idioma: English

In 2020, a WikiProject started importing policy documents from the Swedish Parliament open data set. Since then, the items have been enriched and through this poster some of these connections will be highlighted.

WikiProject Sweden/Swedish Riksdag documents started in 2020 and have imported over 150,000 items from the open data set from the Swedish Parliament. The items range from laws to motions, reports and some more. Through careful mapping in the import, the data became discoverable and queryable in new ways just through the import, but since then, there have been tens of thousands of edits that have enriched the data. Most prominently, main subject has been added to almost a third of the items already, making it possible to see which subjects the parliament is working on. More interesting, perhaps, is also the edits adding causality, making it possible to see which external events influenced politics and what effects they in turn had on other items. This poster will show an example of these linked items, using the item for the Swedish climate law as a centerpiece.

¿Qué otros temas o tópicos aborda su sesión? Por favor, escoja elementos de la lista de etiquetas a continuación.


¿Cómo se relaciona su sesión con los temas del evento: Colaboración Abierta?

The WikiProject has been possible through both on- and off-wiki collaboration and can hopefully be an inspration for projects of similar kind or scale.

¿Cuál es el nivel de experiencia que requiere la audiencia en su sesión?

Some experience will be needed

¿Cómo planea realizar la sesión?

Onsite in Katowice